
Wednesday, June 5, 2013

You are not a special snowflake

You are not a special snowflake, just as I am not a special snowflake. Chances are, if you swim against the current you’ll drown. Without a good measure of luck, regular people, those without connections or wealth or an Ivy League education, don’t get interesting or lucrative law and policy jobs. The legal profession is status and hierarchy driven. If you want a hand on the levers of power you have a tough row to hoe. And, if you don’t already have social status and wealth then law school is probably not a great place to start. Your reason for wanting to get a law degree (the content of that awful admissions essay that law schools pretend to care about) simply does not matter. Your passion, your unique perspective, your merit, these things won’t provide much help once you enter the system.


The goal of this blog is to get a publishing deal, or barring that highly unlikely event, to publish a book about law school in serial form. Perhaps it's not a good idea to publish my book for free before I try to ask someone to publish it for me. However, if by chance someone actually reads any of this stuff and if I spark some conversations, maybe I can demonstrate that a market exists. At a minimum maybe I can get some free research help and ideas! (Ah the power of the internet, making theft easier for nearly twenty years. )

I'm currently studying for the bar (not currently actually write now I'm wasting time) but you get the idea. I am to present an argument that is slightly more coherent that a typical law school scam blog. Whether I achieve that goal will largely depend on whether I can keep from constantly weeping, which in turn depends on how often I'm reminded of my mountain of non-dischargeable debt. In any event here goes!